Monday, July 28, 2008

Cookbooks Giveaway!

Today, I'm taking part in the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival. This giveaway will be open all week. Enter before Friday at Noon (EST) by leaving one comment on this post before then. You do not have to be a blogger to win. Just make sure I am able to contact you! That means leave an email address in your comment or a link to your blog. Winners will be drawn randomly and will be announced in a separate post here at 1 PM (EST) on Friday, August 1st, 2008. If any winner does not reply to me within seven days, a new winner will be drawn from the original comments.

Okay, now for the giveaway!

I have in my hot little hands, TWO cookbooks to give away. They will be separate, so two winners will be drawn and each will win one. You may name your preference in your comment and if you win, I'll do my best to make everyone happy, but the ultimate decision is mine.

The books are: Gifts from a Jar: Soups Chilis & More and Gifts from a Jar: Cookies & Muffins.

Each book comes with instructions for each gift in a jar, tear-out recipe cards to attach to your jars and the fabric and raffia to dress your jars up for gift-giving!
Be sure to enter my other giveaways at Its All for the Best here and here.
Visit Bloggy Giveaways for many, many more!


Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I've always loved the concept of gifts in a jar. This is an awesome giveaway. Thanks!

(I love the title of your blog. I love Queen!)

Anonymous said...

Who says NO?

unsecured loans

Anonymous said...

I couls sooooooooooooo use this for Christmas gifts! Please enter moi!

Unknown said...

Love it!

Danetta said...

I have been given gifts in a jar before and would love to know how to make them.

Joanna said...

Great!! I have always wanted to do these jars for Christmas presents!!

Joanna said...

Great!! I have always wanted to do these jars for Christmas presents!!

Momala said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love either book, I don't have a preference.


Robin said...

How fun. Every year I think about doing soups and chilis in a jar and don't quite get my act together.

Ashley said...

Great Giveaway! Thanks!

Erin said...

I found your blog from Home Ec 101. Loved the title as it's one of my husband's fave Queen songs as he prefers his women to be fuller.

Would love to enter your contest.

Here's my blog:

Kristin & Jeff said...

I love chili. Thanks for the chance to enter!

theharmons02 [at]

Yarni Gras! said...

love those kinds of books...thanks for hosting a neat giveaway!

Carrie said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! I wanted to do Gift Jars for people for Christmas last year but didn't have the foggiest notion on how to go about it. These two books would be PERFECT and I would love to use them!

Thanks for the contest! (And I think your blog name is hilarious, btw.)

readingtoknow (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Gifts in a jar, wonderful concept! Thanks for the giveaway.

Katrina said...

I would love to win one of these!

Anonymous said...

These look fabulous! I'd love to add them to my collection!


HilLesha O'Nan said...

Sounds good!

lilacbutterfly [at]

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I would love either one.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I would be happy with either one.

Beth said...

Great giveaway prize, please count me in!
Thank you!

Shaheen said...

I'd like to win a copy pls! Either one would be perfect.
Thank you!

PS said...

What a great idea for a cookbook. I've only ever made chocolate chip cookies in a jar! Thanks!!

Dora Renee Wilkerson said...

Oh, add me too. I love contest. I can't say I am good at winning them but I sure love them.
Either book looks good to me :)

Dora Renee' Wilkerson

Unknown said...

I love these books! ppreacherswife at gmail dot com

CrystalGB said...

What great books to create gifts. I would love either of these.
My email is in my profile.

Ronnica said...

I like the idea of the soups one!

Anonymous said...

I would chose the Gifts in a Jar: Cookies and Muffins.
Elaine R

EB said...

I've always wanted to make these gifts! I would choose the cookies and muffins book.


michelle said...

I would prefer the cookie and muffin book. I have made a Gifts From a Jar recipe before, which turned out really well. I would love to try my hand at making more.

michelle at

Jenny said...

Those would be neat to make for friends!

the_other_alice_ (at)

Betsy said...

I would the the cookies and muffins cookbook!

betskev at

Anonymous said...

Both sound good, thanks for the chance to win!!
dsmoore1 at centurytel dot net

Anonymous said...

I love cookbooks and would be grateful to add these to my collection. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love cookbooks and would be grateful to add these to my collection. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love cookbooks and would be grateful to add these to my collection. Thanks

Unknown said...

This would be great for me! I like making things like this for Christmas Gifts!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Gifts from a Jar: Cookies & Muffins! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love these! Thanks,
kvicker at hotmail dot com

Katy said...

I love the gifts from a Jar books!!! They give great idea gifts!!! I would LOVE to win!!!! Thank you so much for the chance!

Tara said...

either one would be great!

Mommy Minded said...

Oh count me in! I would love to win these for Christmas!

sphinx63 said...

These look like fun cookbooks! Thanks!

Ellen said...

They would be great! either one would be wonderful!!

Pat's Place said...

Great idea for Christmas gifts!

Sam said...

Oooh, I think the cookies and muffins one for me!! (I don't think that I'd be able to give away such treats!!)

Qtpies7 said...

I would just LOVE the chili one! Great giveaway!

Hailey said...

What a great gift to give for any occasioN!

Scarlet O'Kara said...

I have seen these books before and they are great!

Scarlet O'Kara

Liz said...

I have been wanting to do something like this for Christmas gifts for awhile! I would love to win either book! Do you have any recommendations for where to get cheap jars from???

Amber said...

Another great giveaway! You're on a roll!

I've always wanted a gifts in a jar cookbook!

Sandra said...

This would be great for making baby shower gifts. It is always nice to be able to pull something from the cupboard that mixes up quickly.

owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

Kristofer said...

i heart cookbooks! thanks!


kamewh said...

I would love either one! I have always wanted to start making gifts in a jar! Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try these out for Christmas gifts! The Cookies and Muffins one sounds yummy! Thanks for the chance to win one!

Rhonda Martin said...

Gifts in a Jar sounds like fun to me~! I would love to check this out. I'm always trying to come up with new idea's at christmas and this would be a great help!!! Thanks for having this giveaway and keep writing and we will keep reading.

Maureen said...

I'd love the cookies and muffins book but I'd be happy with either! Thank you for the giveaway!

Kama said...

I saw these the other day at CVS and almost bought them! They look awesome! I like the cookies one!!

Holly said...

I love cookbooks... count me in please!

Suzie Williams said...

I'd love to make some of these as gifts. I've got a box full of canning jars in my closet waiting for someone to use them. I'd like the Soups, Chilis, and More more, but the Cookies would be nice too.

Wehaf said...

Those both look excellent. I would prefer the soups version, but either would be great. Thank you.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Trish said...

They both would be awesome to win, though i think I would prefer the soups one! Thanks for the opportunity to win! trishblack(at)juno(dot)com

3boyzmom said...

I'd love the soups and chilis cookbook! I really want to learn to cook more soups and stews for the family!

Angie(quillysilly) said...

Fantastic! My friend is trying to do a fundraiser using these jar goodies! I could sooooooo use these for her !

I'd love to be entered! Thanks, Angie

Donna said...

Those books look like they would have alot of good ideas for Christmas presents.

Hootyboosmom said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it! Either cookbook would be great! :o)

Hootyboosmom said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for offering it! Either cookbook would be great! :o)

Anonymous said...

If I win this I will use it to make Christmas jar gifts this year. Thank you!!!!


Fedora said...

Slight preference for the soups and chilis but either book would be great! What a fun give away!

Thank you!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

judybrittle said...

My daughter always makes these as Christmas gifts. She would really love this. Thank you!

mommiof4 said...

These would be great for Christmas gift projects! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to win either prize.

christene said...

We love making deserts but recently my daughter was talking about making soups or stews so either book would be great, ty
cjinhb at msn dot com

Bittersweet Memories said...

Ohhh! How yummy and fun. I can see making Christmas gifts this year. I would love the Cookies and Muffins book - with treat days at work each week wouldn't it be nice to make two - one to eat that day and one to draw as a gift! Count me in!

Heart 4 My Home said...

This is right up my alley! I love cookbooks of all kinds and enjoy making homemade goodies to give as gifts. With the holidays fast approaching this will come in nicely for getting that Christmas list filled for family/friend's gifts.

I have added a post about it on my blog as well. I hope that is ok.


CanCan said...

These are a great idea!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Ami said...

I've done gifts in a jar before and they were a great hit! It would be good to have some new ideas for this year's holiday season. Especially since money will be tight this year.

Laura said...

These look great! Would love to make some friend gifts for christmas this year. First choice would be 'cookies and muffins'. Thanks again!
laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com

TinaW said...

My first choice would be the soups/chili book. tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com

Kimberly said...

These both sound great and gifts in a jar are great for the holidays to give to people.

I like the cookies one first but the other one is great too.

Thank you for the giveaway.

HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

Blessed Beyond said...

They both sounds wonderful.I love making homemade treats as gifts. What a great giveaway! Thank you so much! Have a Blessed Day.


Kim said...

If I do win I would love the Cookie and muffin one. I love making gifts and this would be perfect with Christmas not to far away. YIKES! Hard to think that it's right around the corner.

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway you are having.

Anonymous said...

I sure could use these. We have a homes school gift show coming up. Where all the children create gifts for sale. Wouldnt these be easy for the kids to create. I bet they would sell too.

homeschooling mom of 6

Come enter my contest to win
lesson plans on learning about Apples, 2008 election and Math games good for all children.

sweetsue said...

I have been saving my large jars to do something like this for Christmas gifts. Great giveaway!

Kristan said...

i've always wanted to do this. :)

Unknown said...

I LOVE cookbooks and would love to have either one of these! Thanks for the chance to win!

proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

PS: That's my favorite Queen song!

frugallm said...

My choice would be the cookies and muffins!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Maggie said...

What a great idea! Either book would be fantastic!

AudreyO said...

I would love to win cookies and muffins but would also be happy to have soup and chili recipes. Thanks!

Lori said...

I love making soups, so I would love the soup and chili cookbook

Anonymous said...

I love cookbooks and don't have one like this, how cool.

grammy said...

sounds so neat

Jennifer said...

I would love to win either one. I just love cookbooks.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is a great prize! I've always wanted to make those jars for gifts.

Anonymous said...

oh I would love those books!


Carina said...

I love these kinds of cookbooks, and I think would prefer the soups and chilis.

Mom said...

These books look like fun to use! Thanks!

Jen said...

I love cookbooks and read them as a hobby always looking for a great new count me in on this one...thanks so much!

Lindsey said...

This is such a great concept. Perfect for gifts!

lindsey dot hefner at gmail dot com

Kyra said...

This would be perfect for Christmas gifts for co-workers! I'd love either one of these!

Anonymous said...

I would love these. Love cookbooks

Audra said...

I thing either would be a lot of fun- If I had to pick I would probably say chilli & more. Thanks so much for the great giveaway audrajjensen(at)msn(dot)com

Unknown said...

i'd take both, so i'll pick randomly - the cookie one. thanks!

ebienic (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

would like either,thanks

Josie said...

I would love either cookbook! Thanks!

mom2boys said...

I would either of the books. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I like both books!

Truth said...

Enter me in this one too!

Annie1 said...

Last year I made Lavendar Bath Salts in Jars for Christmas gifts. My mom has a huge lavendar bush in her back yard. It was a lot of fun to do and my kids enjoyed decorating the jars for me.

I'm always looking for something else to jar up for some homemade gifts at Christmas. I'd love one of these books.

Great giveaway, thanks

Teri said...

Yum I would love either, but the soups one intrigues me :)

Cherie J said...

So cool. Please enter me. Thank you!


TinaJewel said...

I love those kind of recipe books! Either one would be nice!

Karen said...

I love to give these jars as gifts! I usually scour the net for recipes, it would be fab to have a cookbook instead, thanks!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy. This idea is great for gifts. Thanks.

Brittany K said...

Cooking is one of my passions. I'd love to win this.


Anonymous said...

This would be awesome. Thanks so much!!

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

wow, i'd love to know how to make my own gifts in a jar. thanks.

Julie Donahue said...

I've always wanted to do Gifts in a Jar.

Molly C. said...

I love little books like this! said...

If I win, surprise me!


Neen said...

It would be so nice to do something other than chocolate chip cookies this way. Please enter me into your drawing, I'd be super thrilled with either book. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

These are fun, I like when people would give me these as presents!


paryjeja said...

I would love to win these!
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

EG said...

My preference is Soups, Chilis, Etc. Thanks!

Nicol said...

This would be perfect to use for Christmas gifts! I would get a lot of use out of the book!

nicolmontero at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Really, either title sounds wonderful and so useful! Thanks!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

Great give away!
Thanks for this opportunity,

Britni said...

I don't care which one. I'm sure I would use them both!

Unknown said...

I love Gooseberry (at least that's what they looked like.) Yea, food!

Thanks for including me! This is very generous!

KJ - California
kjmt42 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

Renee said...

I would love either of the cook books. They both are wonderful . . .

Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

"J" said...

I love tooooooooo cook! I love toooooooo give gifts and make gifts (homemade is the best kind of gift you can give)! I've never heard of these cookbooks? I would love to win either one!!!!! =)


Mrs. B, a very peculiar person said...

Wonder prize for someone like me who not only enjoys cooking way too much, but also love collecting cook books!

Thanks for the opportunity,
Mrs. B

Ilissa said...

I love cookbooks. I have quite a collection already but I am always looking for new ones. I don't have a preference of one over the other. Either would be great! Thanks for the chance.

janetfaye said...

I have always wanted to make jar gifts.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I'd love either!

(my email's on my blog profile)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway
tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com

Rockin' Mama said...

I'd love Gifts from a Jar: Cookies & Muffins

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Angie said...

Very cool giveaway. I like the soups and chili one but either would be fine.

Thanks for the chance to enter.

Jinxy and Me said...

It's too hard to choose which one! If I win, I'll let you choose for me. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica said...

Gifts in a Jar would be a valuable addition to my collection.

Janelle said...

Either cookbook would be great. The desserts one would probably be more useful, but the chilis and soups one would definitely be more unique.

Dani' said...

honestly either how about soups and chilis solta(at)hotmaildotcom

Amanda C. said...

they're both nice, but I like the soups and chilie the best. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea for the jar. I'd be happy with both books. If I have to choose, I'll pick the soups. == internationalfreebies AT gmail DOT com

swinger of birches said...

I love gifts in a jar!